Best of all Scrapping tricks

This is the best of all tricks .It works like this ,Send a scrap to the person you wanted telling i have seen an orkut profile which is best in the whole world and send the link below , they will be redirected to their own profile .That way they will feel more affectionate to you .such small positive feelings will certainly help you in the future .There are lot of scrapping tricks to be revealed in this site,...wait for all of them and enjoy the value of friendship and celeberate your life in orkut .Just scrapping can earn you nice oppurtunities and prices .Here is the best of all tricks.

Whenever a person clicks on any of these , he will be redirected to his profile or album or scrapbook.
Leave comments in your profile like:"The person I admire the most" or "The worst profile on orkut" and whenever someone clicks on the links, he will be redirected to his profile.

Simply copy and paste the links

to his profile.put like,.. this is the best profile which means too much for you and send this link.

to his album.put like,.. this is the best album in orkut and send this link.

to his scrap book.put like,.. this is the worst scrap book in orkut and send this link.
